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Rosie Lowe Mood To Make Love

Rosie Lowe returns with new single, "Mood To Make Love”

22 May 2024, 12:04 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Singer, songwriter and producer Rosie Lowe has returned with the brand new single, "Mood To Make Love”.

The release serves as her first solo endeavour since 2021's Now, You Know, a collection of self-produced demos, and her collaborative album, Son, with longtime friend Duval Timothy. In her own words; “‘Mood To Make Love’ was written on a warm evening in Spain and we wanted it to sound like our surroundings. It is a moment of self love and an acknowledgement of what I have to offer my partner.”

Speaking of the accompanying video, she says: "I knew I wanted to keep the team small and work with people I know, trust and love so I decided to collaborate with my big brother, a director, on the music videos. We wanted the visuals to feel much like a dream sequence. We shot it on a very cold January morning on a small rowing boat on a river in Devon, and somehow lucked out with the 1 x sunny day we got in January!”‘

"I wanted to create an abstract, fantasy feel with hand drawn animation elements and dream sequence symbolic connectivity. Themes of nostalgia, looking back, looking forward, time and repetition, the reliving of episodes and memories, beginning and ending, life and death," she adds.

The music video was directed by Lowe's brother, Louis Hemming-Lowe, who adds: "I wanted the viewer to do the work to figure these out, much like waking up from a dream and trying to decipher the meaning.”

"Mood To Make Love" is out now.

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