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20 Questions with Loney, Dear

12 April 2007, 08:00 | Written by The Line of Best Fit

With new single "I Am John" being released this week we thought it was about time our favourite Swedish popsters Loney, Dear answered our 20 Questions. Holed up in his New York hotel room we caught up with mainman Emil Svanängen just before he set out on a US tour.

1. Describe your sound in 3 words.

Next record: warm, swingy, full-coloured

2. Diet coca-cola or normal coke?


3. What would be your ideal holiday?

Countryside in Sweden for the moment

4. Whats the best cure for a hangover?

Not drinking.

5. What’s on your rider?


6. How do you get ready for a live show?

Often i get angry on someone.

7. Favourite song to play live?

For now, The City The Airport. Acoustic: In With The Arms.

8. When was the last time you told a lie?

I never tell lies, so its gotta be today.

9. Who would win in a fight, a stoat or a goat and why?

What is a stoat?

10. What was the last album you bought?

Jr Cash.

11. What’s your pet hate?

Not getting time to make new music, I will try to be a better on-tour-composer. But the recording will have to wait til summer.

12. Dead or alive. What 5 acts would you have play with you at a festival.

Jan Johansson
Depeche Mode
The Beatles

13. Desert Island Disc? Pick only one.

Dear John (Loney, Dear # 5)

14. Favourite moment on tour so far?

My hotelroom i got yesterday in new york where I’m gonna stay for a couple of days. Finally a substitute for a home.

15. Whats the best thing about being in Loney, Dear

When things are going well, I get to decide everything.

16. Do you read your own reviews?

Yes, they make me happy.

17. Tell us a fact about yourself we probably don’t already know.

I am sad most of the time.

18. Are you a morning bird or a night fox?

Night fox.

19. If you could travel back in time where would you set the dial?


20. Least favourite person in the universe.

Respectless ones.

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