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Brody Dalle speaks out against child custody battle: "For a long time, I couldn’t get out of bed"

18 July 2023, 11:13 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

In a series of Instagram posts, Brody Dalle has spoken publicly about her ongoing legal battles with ex-husband Josh Homme.

In September 2021, domestic violence restraining orders were filed against Homme on behalf of his two sons, alleging physically and verbally abusive behaviour, as well as drinking whilst driving. In November 2021, Dalle was found guilty withholding their youngest child from Homme’s court-mandated custodial time, whilst the two older children were judged to have decided not to visit Homme of their own accord.

Dalle was sentenced to community service and handed a $1,000 fine.

In March 2022, a court granted Homme sole legal custody of the couple’s three children, for almost two years, which in a statement from Homme appears to be because Dalle was violating the custody agreement. Dalle has finally shared her side of the story on her Instagram page.

"I February 2022 after an 8 day trial, I was granted a 3 year domestic violence restraining order. You didn’t hear about it because I didn’t go to the press, I didn’t parade it around, tooting it from some triumphant horn…because, it’s been fucking terrifying and devastating," Dalle's statement began.

"3 weeks later, they took one of my kids. A month after that, under temporary guise they took my other two. Textbook to a T. They built an Everest of lies with no evidence….why??…why would they do that ??? because money, greed, corruption, and winning at all costs is the name of the game," she continues.

Dalle goes on to describe the "pr and the smoke and mirrors", that comes with the counterclaims that made her lose custody of her children, and notes that her story isn't a rare case.

"My story is not unique and it is not rare, it is happening to protective mothers (and some protective fathers) everywhere," she continues. "There are thousands of us. Hundreds of thousands of us. Children are the collateral. Everyday collateral. What they suffer will make your hair stand on end. Many protective parents have lost children forever, in horrific unconscionable ways."

In a secondary Instagram post, Dalle took a moment to count the time that she has lost with her children – time that she will never be able to get back – all because she was trying to protect them.

"I’m not a criminal. For all my punk rock cred I’ve never even been arrested. Some speeding tickets, Slapped by a cop once when I was 12, but other than that, zilch. This is punishment, for reporting what they said, trying to protect. I tried to make it stop for a year and a half, until they Testified. Begged. Pleaded. Sobbed. What would you do?everything, [sic] anything I bet. I’m fucking broken. This has shattered me into a thousand pieces," she revealed.

"For a long time, I couldn’t get out of bed. I contemplated what the point of going on was. I’ve been filled with so much pain and fear for so long. Fear of that split second mistake where you can’t go back. No one can sustain that state. No one should ever. I let it go. I released it. I found the ladder of light. Get the fuck up and fight for your life. For them. Always."

Both Dalle and Homme have come under public scrutiny during this ongoing battle, despite nobody but them knowing the true ins and outs of the situation. As such, Dalle has asked people to stop speaking about it.

"If you have never been held in the heart pounding, hellish vice like grip of family court, and If you have never been accused of the quack debunked, looney and extremely dangerous claim of parental alienation and with zero evidence because there was none…..please, hold your tongue, you have no idea," she said.

Josh Homme still currently maintains custody over children his and Brody Dalle's children.

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