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"Polyp EP"

Youthmovies – Polyp EP
02 December 2008, 10:00 Written by

A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane (and that is a fact!). Why anyone would wish to sing about such subject matter is questionable and to accompany the music with a bizzare, disgusting and a "what the fuck is it?" artwork, really makes you question the sanity of the musical protaganists.

Fusing trumpet with the usual guitar, drums and bass makes the Youthmovies sound somewhat distinctive. It is only a minor distraction from the miserablist vocals. The ptts and parps of the brass lending an upbeat tempo to the sombre drone of of Thazn. Become an Island and Sad Trash borrow heavily from the time troden cinematic Post Rock formulae.

The title track an ode to the tumorous growth brilliantly epistomises the Scziophrenia that pervades Youthmovies. One would have imagined that this would be the most introspective of this dour collection but the delivery is more akin to the the euphoria of the patient as the anaesthetic courses through their veins.

Whilst Youthmovies bring plenty of ideas to the twenty six minutes and six tracks on offer here, it all ends up as a benign cell mass no greater than the sum of its parts.

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