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"Shooting From The Shadows EP"

Dag För Dag – Shooting From The Shadows EP
20 May 2009, 13:00 Written by
from-the-shadows-frontWell, let's begin with the name dropping, shall we? Shooting From The Shadows is released on Conor Oberst's baby, Saddle Creek Records. However, the only thing Dag För Dag have in common with the rest of the bands on the roster though is the fact that they hail from America, as musically, this is a departure for the label. Next, - more of a phrase than a name - brother and sister duo. Always an intriguing concept, the sibling relationship, when in tune, can be a magical thing.Finally, some real names for dropping - Richard Swift helped Dag För Dag record this EP, and undoubtedly helped provide some invaluable musical direction, and Casey Foubert, sticksman for Sufjan Stevens takes to the kit.And the result of such credentials? A very intriguing, promising collection of songs. Joy Division inspired opener 'Ring Me Elise', has got that gaping space sound that Joy Division did so well - just a single guitar line and drums that gives that eerie feeling of the unknown. The standard 'waiting by the phone' song is given a whole new lease of life, taking on a menacing, unstable feeling as though their lives depend on Elise picked up that phone.The Joy Division theme continues with 'Pirate Sea', as the vocals are uncannily similar to Ian Curtis, with staccato delivery and that insatiable urgency.Like drifting through some smoke-filled tunnel, these six songs provide 25 minutes of ghost-train electronic escapism, and you'll emerge out the other side shaking your head and rubbing you eyes, but ultimately satisfied. 67%Dag För Dag on MySpace
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