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Nick Cave has started writing the new Bad Seeds album

09 January 2023, 10:02 | Written by Cerys Kenneally

Nick Cave has given fans a look into his ongoing writing process for the next Bad Seeds album in a new post on The Red Hand Files, sharing a few lyrics that he's put together over the past week.

Back in October last year Nick Cave revealed that he planned to start writing the new Bad Seeds album after his tour with Warren Ellis comes to an end in mid-December, and in the latest response on The Red Hand Files Q+A site, Cave has given a progress update on the album, revealing that he's been starting to write lyrics since 1 January.

"My plan for this year is to make a new record with the Bad Seeds," Cave wrote. "This is both good news and bad news. Good news because who doesnt want a new Bad Seeds record? Bad news because Ive got to write the bloody thing."

He continued, "I started the process at 9am on January 1st. It is now January 6th – nearly a week has passed and Ive written a few things but they arent very good, or maybe they are, its difficult to tell. A kind of doldrums has set in, perennial and predictable. It’s the same with every record, I feel that familiar feeling of lack, like Im a big, dumb blank thing in a suit. Im grumpy as fuck and Susie has decamped for a week. Anything that resembles a creative impulse is burrowed way down in some mossy, froggy hole, asleep, I hope, not dead. I have to call it forth, provoke it from its slumber. It becomes a nasty, punishing, baggy-eyed business. Im starting to get an infuriating sing-song voice in my head that actually rhymes, like a madness. Like sadness."

Cave also shared some lyrics he had managed to write over the past week: "Ushering in the new year he knelt down / And crushed his brothers head with a bone / Its my great privilege to walk you home / In the rain / Hop inside my coat."

He concluded, "And that felt like it summed things up. Writing lyrics is the pits. Its like jumping for frogs, Fred. Its the shits. Its the bogs. It actually hurts. It comes in spurts, but few and far between. There is something obscene about the whole affair. Like crimes that rhyme. I hope this doesnt last long. Im actually scared. But it always does. Last long. To write a song. You hope to God there is something left. You are bereft. Im going to stop this letter. It isnt making things better. Its like flogging a dead horse. Worse. It’s a hearse. A hearse of dead verse. Dead, Fred. Dead."

Last month Cave revealed the story behind the Ghosteen song "Night Raid" on The Redd Hand Files.

Visit to read Nick Cave's full post.

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